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Love Quotes

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Love Quotes

love will never dieLove will never die --Bryce Courtney

love is a paradoxI have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love. -- Mother Teresa

love qualitiesWe don't love qualities; we love a person; sometimes by reason of their defects as well as their qualities. -- Jacques Maritain

love conquers allPunis vincit amor, nos et cedamus amori. (Love conquers all, and we must yield to love.) -- Vergil, The Aenid

never been in loveCuras amet, qui nunquam amavit, Qauique amavit, crasmet. (Let those love who never loved before, Let those who always loved, now love the more.) -- Latin epigram, author unknown

all for loveAnd all for love, and nothing for reward. -- Spencer, The Faerie Queen

love can change an enemy into a friendLove is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. -- Martin Luther King

the ultimate testThe ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but hold hands. —Alexander Penney

in loveIn love, everything is true, everything is false; it is the one subject on which one cannot express an absurdity. -- Nicholas Chamfort (1741-1794, French writer)

common senseLove is not reason; love is not common sense. 'Tis a passion. -- Reade, The Cloister and the Hearth

loves you more than you love yourselfA dog is the only thing on this earth that loves you more than he loves himself. -- John Billings

falling in loveThere is something inexpressibly charming in falling in love and, surely, the whole pleasure lies in the fact that love isn't lasting, -- Moliere

indiscretionA lover without indiscretion is no lover at all. -- Thomas Hardy

courtshipThe pleasantest part of a man's life is generally that which passes incourtship, provided his passion be sincere, and the party beloved kindwith discretion. Love, desire, hope, all the pleasing emotions of thesoul, rise in the pursuit.--ADDISON.

heaven aboveLove betters what is best
Even here below, but more in heaven above. -- Wordsworth

women are made to be lovedWomen are made to be loved, not understood. -- Oscar Wilde

filled with loveHe who is filled with love is filled with God himself. -- St. Augustine

hidden pathsLove knows hidden paths. -- German proverb.

love me long timeLove me little, love me long. -- Christopher Marlowe

Plato's definition of loveLove: a grave mental illness. -- Plato

wonderfulVery pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful,passing the love of women. -- The Bible, Samuel i. 26.

greater loveGreater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for hisfriends. -- The Bible, John xv. 13.

food of loveIf music be the food of love, play on,Give me excess of it; that, surfeiting,The appetite may sicken, and so die.--That strain again--it had a dying fall;O, it came o'er my ear like the sweet south,That breathes upon a bank of violets,Stealing and giving odor. -- Shakespeare, TWELFTH NIGHT. Act i. Sc. 1.

first loveFirst love is a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. -- George Bernard Shaw

ungreatfulYou love a nothing when you love an ingrate.--PLAUTUS.

love isLove is the purification of the heart from self; it strengthensand ennobles the character, gives higher motives and a nobler aim toevery action of life, and makes both man and woman strong, noble, andcourageous.--MISS JEWSBURY.

stimulantLove is of all stimulants the most powerful. It sharpens the wits likedanger, and the memory like hatred; it spurs the will like ambition;it intoxicates like wine.--A.B. EDWARDS.

the study of lifeA woman is more considerate in affairs of love than a man; becauselove is more the study and business of her life.--WASHINGTON IRVING.

love speaks its own languageLove is a child that talks in broken language, Yet then he speaks most plain. -- Dryden.

you cannot force loveNo cord or cable can draw so forcibly, or bind so fast, as love can dowith only a single thread. -- Burton.

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